I honestly feel the luckiest that I found Catherine and that I decided to start working with her. I have no idea what I would‘ve done without her for the past year.
Being diagnosed with cancer with only 29 years of age, always living a healthy lifestyle this came as a huge shock. I wasn’t prepared for this huge challenge at all. Before I started working with Catherine, I was purely overwhelmed. I was lost. Everything was so new and surreal – too much.
Catherine was and still is my anchor. She guided me through every single phase of fighting cancer. I wasn’t sure about so, so many things such as nutrition, how to deal with relatives, how to approach big doctors appointments – how to cope with many different situations. Her broad knowledge and huge skillset combined with her warm and big heart makes her the best coach I could ever imagine.
I am more than happy and proud to say that today I already understand myself so much better, I know so much more about my needs, what I want in life, how I want to live my life. She also helps me so much to implement these changes. Step by step I feel like I‘m coming closer to living the life I actually desire.
Thank you, Catherine, for everything and for still being by my side very single day.
Content on this website is not considered medical advice. Please see a physician before making any medical or lifestyle changes.
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