TESTIMONIALES Histoires vraies, véritables espoirs : le parcours de nos clients

Dans la lutte contre le cancer, chaque chemin est unique. Pourtant, le point commun qui les unit tous est l'esprit indéfectible de résilience, l'espoir et le courage d'affronter le lendemain. Ici, dans nos archives d'histoires, vous trouverez les voix de ceux qui ont suivi ce chemin, guidés par la lumière du soutien, de la compréhension et de l'accompagnement dévoué.

En tant que coach en ligne en cancérologie, je crois au pouvoir de transformation du coaching personnalisé, non seulement pour naviguer dans les complexités médicales du cancer, mais aussi pour trouver un moyen de vivre pleinement sa vie, au milieu des défis. Ces témoignages ne sont pas seulement des approbations de nos services ; ce sont des récits sincères de lutte, de triomphe et, parfois, d'acceptation paisible.

Chaque histoire est partagée avec l'autorisation de l'auteur et reflète des expériences, des émotions et des résultats réels. Que vous soyez à la recherche de réconfort, d'informations ou que vous envisagiez de recourir à nos services de coaching, nous vous invitons à lire ces récits. Ils ne sont pas seulement des témoignages de notre travail, mais aussi de la résilience humaine et du pouvoir de l'accompagnement.

En parcourant ces parcours, j'espère que vous trouverez non seulement des réponses, mais aussi de l'inspiration et un sentiment d'appartenance à une communauté. Si vous vous sentez poussé à demander du soutien ou à partager votre propre histoire, nous sommes là pour vous écouter, vous guider et marcher avec vous.


Catherine m'a coaché pendant une période difficile de ma vie. Nous nous sommes rencontrées chaque semaine pendant un an et elle m'a été d'une grande aide. Elle m'a donné des missions à court terme et a travaillé avec moi sur mes objectifs à long terme.

J'utilise encore certaines des techniques qu'elle m'a enseignées. Travailler avec elle a été une bonne expérience pour moi et je la recommande à tous ceux qui ont besoin d'aide.

- C.K.

Catherine is a very brave woman. Honest, full of joy, and yet very relatable because she shows her vulnerability. She goes through life in an authentic way, being who she really, ‘wholely’ is.

Coaching with her, you will feel understood, you will be acknowledged, you will boost and be boosted, you will be supported to draw your way forward… No matter what


There’s a lot of clarity in what Catherine does, and a lot of love. I just felt completely comfortable and embraced by her. From the very beginning, I just felt like she radiates a lot of joy. She’s turned my life around.


When you’re really down, really down in the dumps, you just have to get back up and give yourself tools and think about something else, because eventually it loops around in your head all the time. And Catherine, she gave me little tricks, for example to make a summary of a day by asking myself what did I like today, what was positive for me. It was full of little keys for the day, for the week, and that put me back in life in fact.

Catherine gave me a big, big boost, also professionally, saying that I was capable, that I was going to succeed and then her personal example helped me a lot.


I honestly feel the luckiest that I found Catherine and that I decided to start working with her. I have no idea what I would‘ve done without her for the past year.

Being diagnosed with cancer with only 29 years of age, always living a healthy lifestyle this came as a huge shock. I wasn’t prepared for this huge challenge at all. Before I started working with Catherine, I was purely overwhelmed. I was lost. Everything was so new and surreal – too much. Catherine was and still is my anchor.


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Catherine’s coaching enabled me to put my work and life in a constructive perspective. I emerged out of the other side feeling calm, motivated, more balanced, and moving forward.

She is an excellent listener. She won’t judge you or your work, and she remains impartial. She has the experience and practice to give you incredible advice – all the essential qualities you need in a coach.


Catherine is a great, inspiring woman with lots of experience in business and in life. Coaching with her was an eye-opening experience – it helped me start looking at things in a different way.

Now I know that I come first. I’m clear on what I want and what I don’t want, I know how to take care of my health, and I can work on what’s important to me.


I improved my health, both physical and mental. I learned, for the first time, how to place boundaries in my life.


Catherine coached me during a difficult period in my life. We met weekly for a year and she was a big help to me. She gave me short-term assignments and worked with me on my long-term goals.


As a caregiver, I was devastated by the news of my mother’s cancer. I couldn’t think straight anymore, and I constantly had a knot in my stomach. I would imagine everything and nothing, just going in circles.


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Fanny, cancer survivor video testimonial thumbnail

Through Catherine’s coaching, I learned to listen to my body and my heart. She is charming, open, dynamic, and inspiring!

Because of her, I finally had the courage to resign from my very heavy, exhausting, frustrating job. I reconnected with my true nature, I learned to distinguish what really matters to me, and I gained back my self-confidence.

I regained my taste for LIVING – not only surviving.


I really had appreciated to have a cancer coach like Catherine Schopfer at that difficult time! I changed my lifestyle and my thinking on life.


Fanny, cancer patient video testimonial thumbnail

The coaching allowed me to become aware of the reality of my life and especially of what I really wanted and needed to change.


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